Sunday, December 21, 2008

This could be why You are still Single for New Year’s…

New Year’s is round the corner. Will you be going out to hang out with your friends? New Year’s is a special time as we celebrate with friends and family. In Asian cultures, I see this festival as a friends-festival. Thus, everyone would be letting their guard down a bit. Yes, it is strange walking up to a stranger to say hi; our society just doesn’t allow that. This stigma is, fortunately, lowered during festivals and parties. Making it an excellent opportunity to get to know more friends. 

Are you shy in meeting women? Do you get tongue-tied a lot? Well, though this is not a cure-all, let me offer you a quick solution if you are—just in time for New Year’s (this is not a long term solution though).

1)      Stand up straight. There are multiple ways to stand up straight. But the most accessible one which requires little practice is to stand against the wall. After you do that, let your heels, butt, and shoulders touch the wall. Strenuous? Betcha it does. Now, take a step in front and this is the perfect posture that you need to be in. Naturally it will be hard at first, but always keep this in mind and you will convey confidence and status.

2)     You need to understand how attraction happens. Stopping short of giving a blow by blow account of what constitutes attraction, it is safe to know that women are more attracted to status, confidence, and dominance while we are attracted to physical beauty.

3)      In mate selection, researchers have discovered something very pivotal: it’s called social proof. When I read it, I thought it was such a warped idea. It being a warped idea doesn’t make it false. Women judge you by the women you hang out with. Thus, find your prettiest friends and be friends with them. Go in for the long haul. Don’t just date every girl you see. Cultivate a social circle of fun, interesting, and adventurous friends (guys and women). This gesture alone will allow you to be cooler even though you didn’t do anything! Amazing, but true.

With these 3 quick methods and knowledge, I hope that you will jumpstart your dating life for New Year’s.

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